Amy Cat at Newnham College in July 2023

About the Director of Supercat Limited

Amy X Cat

I specialise in fine art and digital design...

Gender:  female

Age:  older than I look like

IQ: in the top 2% of the population and member of British Mensa High IQ Society 

Education:  MSc in Design & Digital Media, BBA in Advertising, Diploma in Finance

Location:  made a home in London and can travel worldwide

Profession:  oil painter, digital designer/developer, photographer, advertising practitioner, art dealer, company director, art-historian-to-be...

Digital skills: Adobe Creative Suite (incl. Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Dreamweaver, Animate, XD), Figma, Sketch, HTML, CSS, JS, Procreate, Microsoft Office...

Nationality:  British (feeling grateful for having many rights)

Get in touch with Amy or Supercat

  • If you want to say hello and be informed of my new artworks and upcoming Supercat events
  • If you have an enquiry regarding artworks and services Supercat Limited provides
  • If you want to commission a piece of artwork or brief me on a digital design project
  • If you are interested in becoming a muse for timeless oil paintings by me
  • Or for anything else which is relevant and appropriate...

With my sweetheart, Cats Cat, in 2022.


With my colleagues from AC in 2022–2024.


At the gala dinner celebrating the 150th anniversary of Newnham College at the University of Cambridge in July 2022, I attended as a guest of my dear friend of 16 years, Professor Ubiali.


Passionate about learning, I applied for a part-time master’s degree course (MSt) at the University of Cambridge in March 2023 and was honoured to be interviewed. To strengthen my application for future admission, I took relevant courses during the university's summer programme in July.


Sample posts, reels, plus stories (featuring Cats Cat and her daughters, Space Cat and Soul Cat) from the Instagram accounts @supercat_artworks and @supercat_thoughts, showcasing a variety of creatives and perspectives.

About my business

Supercat Limited

and much more...

About my business idea in the field of Fine Arts

Stage 1: to build a large collection of artworks and to sell them through this website and other e-commerce portals;

Stage 2: to liaise with prestigious galleries and auction houses for exhibition and trading opportunities;

Stage 3: to invest in ownership or partnership of galleries and other facilities for expanding services and sales;

Stage 4: to expand my branding into other areas of the industry...

1. My short-term business goals are:

To establish myself as an acclaimed visual artist and a successful business owner, and to build a functional trading mechanism and positive customer relationships.

2. My short-term financial goals are:

To make considerable profits for improving my living and caring for my family through providing society with goods and services of high value.

3. My long-term business goals are:

To make positive impacts on the economy and the quality of people's lives on a large scale through expanding my branding into other areas of the industry.

4. My long-term financial goals are:

To develop the company into an influential enterprise that contributes to the ecosystem of the infrastructure in a modern world.

5. The Unique Selling Proposition of my product/service is:

My personal charisma and sense of aesthetics.

About my typical customer profile in the art market

Age: 25-69

Gender: mixed

Income: annual income above £100,000 

1. Their needs are:

To acquire confirmation from others that they are elites within a society and to seek a higher level of spirituality and satisfaction.

2. How would my typical customers tend to buy products and services?

Through online shops, commercial galleries, auction houses, and their peers.

3. Customers will use my product/service for:

Decorating personal spaces or public venues; gifting family, friends or business associates; investing for future resale or passing onto later generations...

4. What they value most about my product/service is:

Pleasure derived from the aesthetics and the extraordinary value of the artwork, which increases over time.

5. What these customers would value (but don't really get from existing businesses) is:

Recognition of their own social standing and so on...

6. I could deliver this by:

Associating my art with my value, purpose, and contribution to society, which could be passed on to the buyer.

7. Buying my product/service will be a one-off purchase/repeat purchase:

One-off purchase or repeat purchases depending on their buying power and personal needs.

8. The after-sales service they expect from me is:

My approachability and my continual engagement through further communications such as information relating to my future artwork and upcoming events.

9.They would choose my product/service because:

I am able to demonstrate my exceptional value as more than just an artist in the contemporary art world.

More about Amy or Supercat

to be continued...